CarimasCE 1.3.8 released
CarimasCE version 1.3.8 has been released. Changelog can be found @ CarimasCE page.
Carimas is a medical imaging analysis program to visualize and analyse images.
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Multiple image data formats are supported: DICOM, ECAT, Analyse, Interfile, Nifti, MicroPET and general bitmap formats.
Flexible 2D and 3D views with color rendering or MIP. Versatile image segmentation tools, 2D and 3D VOI sets of both static and dynamic image sets.
Calculate VOI statistics: mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, volume, etc. Perform mathematical modeling of dynamic data.
Export your data as numerical formats, parametric images or image formats.
We provide innovative healthcare solutions to clients around the world.
Carimas is being developed in Turku PET Centre, Finland.
Our goal is to provide an easy way to visualize, analyze and model PET imaging data.
CarimasCE version 1.3.8 has been released. Changelog can be found @ CarimasCE page.